Ultra is produced with the most advanced technology and according to the highest quality levels. The ultra dripper it’s a leading small size dripper, that provides good quality on a very light dripper. It’s product characteristics are:
Diameter 16mm
Thicknesses: 0,15 mm – 0,3 mm: 6 mil to 12 mil
Available flows: 1,1 1,6 & 2,5 lph
Spacings between emitters: 15cm-50 cm
Working pressure: 0,4-1 Bar
Filtration recommended: 130/120 micron/mesh
+ Vegetables
+ Flowers
+ Sugarcane & biofuel crops
The best clogging resistance achieved by:
+ Protective filter
+ Modern labyrinth design
+ Sand protective barrier
If you are interested in the Ultra drip irrigation solution, click here for more information.