Blueberry Cultivation

"Between Huelva and the North".

The plant that produces blueberries is a bush whose branches produce the precious fruit after two years. The blueberry must be harvested by hand, selecting the optimum degree of maturity for it. In a productive season, each plant can produce up to 8 harvests.

In Spain, blueberry cultivation is centered in the north, where temperatures are below 25-30 degrees. With higher temperatures, it would come to a standstill. Therefore, it is not a viable plant in Mediterranean or continental climates. For this reason, the main growing areas are in Asturias, Galicia and the Basque Country.

Its Cultivation

Recent theories and scientific studies claim that the water demand of the blueberry depends on the area in which it is grown, as well as the age of the orchard and the density of plants in the soil.

One point to take into account, quoted by Del Campo magazine, states that between 6,000 and 10,000 m3/ha of water are needed. And what happens when blueberries are planted in areas where rainfall is a little more constant? Such is the case of the southern zone of Chile, where the demand could decrease by up to 4,000 m3/ha of water, a factor that will depend on the amount of water that falls.

If orchards in the northern and central areas of the country are reviewed, the average irrigation requirement is estimated at 6,000 m3/ha, this, according to scientific studies, because there is a higher radiative rate and, therefore, a higher evapotranspiration.

Drip irrigation has been described by several specialists as the ideal system for irrigating blueberries, as it adapts to the location of the roots and allows controlling the amount of water that enters the superficial and intermediate zones of the soil.

In this sense, the ideal is to install drippers in double lines in each row of the plantation, in order to achieve a homogeneous distribution of moisture in the soil profile, thus avoiding the excess concentration of this element on the surface.


One of these places is southern Spain, which has the best characteristics in Europe for the production of delicious berries."


The key

Al saber hacer y las características climáticas se une otro factor importante: las características del suelo del Sur de Europa son perfectas para cultivar bayas. En España los arbustos de los frutos del bosque crecen en suelos áridos y con un PH bajo, y Andalucía , al sur de España,  cuenta con terrenos que cumplen con estas características. Ello propicia el crecimiento de los arbustos, y la maduración de los frutos.

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The products

Chamsa recommends

Pressure compensating drip irrigation tubing. Self-compensating drippers with high velocity turbulent flow labyrinth to avoid sediment settling, double water inlet and the widest compensation range in the industry (0.5-4.5 bar) offer unparalleled performance.

TITAN PC is a self-compensating flat dripper developed with state-of-the-art technology and welded with a high precision laser system. It consists of three parts; the body with the labyrinth, the silicone membrane and the anti-clogging filter.

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