The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development, Carmen Crespo, has announced an increase of 15 million euros in aid for the modernization of irrigation for irrigation communities, central boards and general communities.
Therefore, the allocation of this line of aid will rise from 37 million euros currently allocated to 52 million after the increase in funds. "We are going to give more possibilities to irrigation", Crespo has stressed, who has stated that the Andalusian Government will continue to support this type of production and support those who bet on energy efficiency.
During his visit to the facilities of the Irrigation Community Sindicato de Riegos de Cuevas del Almanzora, Crespo said that the irrigators of the province of Almeria "are an example" of producers who are committed to the "efficient use of water" and that, therefore, the Andalusian Government "must support them without any doubt".
In this regard, the head of the branch has recalled that, with the credit increase, the Junta de Andalucía will have put in charge, in just two years, 58 million euros in grants to support initiatives to modernize irrigation.
This amount includes both modernization incentives (52 million euros) and the call opened in 2020 specifically for aid aimed at reducing energy dependence through self-production and improving irrigation facilities (more than 6 million euros).
The Councilor commented on the importance of this type of projects that allow farms to advance both in profitability and sustainability, as they contribute to reducing energy costs and the water required for cultivation .
Crespo pointed out that "modernization is based on energy efficiency, that is, on spending less energy and less water" and that, therefore, these projects are "fundamental" as they represent a step forward in the agricultural sector's commitment to sustainable development.
On the other hand, the Andalusian Minister commented that now "is the time to finish the efficient irrigation for Andalusia and the hydraulic works that are necessary for the good use of water", adding that the "most important works" that the Board requests from the central government through the funds of the Plan for recovery, transformation and resilience 'Next Generation' are projects in the hydraulic field and related to the efficient use of irrigation.
The reduction in the use of natural resources is directly related to the 'Green Revolution' that is being implemented by the current Andalusian Executive, but it needs the involvement of society to make it a reality. For this reason, Carmen Crespo has encouraged all Andalusian irrigators to "bet on modernization and efficiency" to contribute to the fight against climate change by saving water and energy.
Carmen Crespo has held a meeting with the mayor of Cuevas del Almanzora, Antonio Fernández, and the heads of the Irrigation Community Sindicato de Riegos Cuevas del Almanzora, Gonzalo Rojas and José Navarro, who have explained the details of the irrigation improvement works being carried out by this entity.
Once completed, more than 1,800 community members will benefit from this project , with a total surface area of 5,400 hectares , mainly dedicated to vegetable production. To a lesser extent, this area also includes winter crops and citrus.
With regard to the modernization work, the Minister has valued "the speed with which the work is being executed, which in just a few months is already at 40%" and commented that the total investment required for its execution exceeds nine million euros backed with aid (4.8 million euros) granted by the Ministry of Agriculture to facilitate the implementation of such initiatives.
The Minister of Agriculture has stressed that irrigation is "a sign of identity of Andalusia regarding the efficiency with which water should be used and that also brings added value to agriculture and the area where this activity takes place". Specifically, it has pointed out that this territory concentrates 33% of the total of Spain of this type of surface, since in the Andalusian community there are currently more than one million hectares of irrigated land.
In the Andalusian irrigated farms almost 64% of the final agricultural production of the region is obtained, a percentage that rises to over 75% considering only vegetables, according to data provided by the Board. In terms of jobs, these farms account for 63.3% of agricultural employment generated in Andalusia.
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