Aid to young farmers


What are the subsidies for young farmers?

The purpose of the calls for aid for young farmers is to improve the viability of farms and the competitiveness of all types of agriculture, to promote innovative agricultural technologies and to ensure a generational change by supporting young farmers and stockbreeders to establish themselves in the countryside. This aid is co-financed by the Ministries of Agriculture of the Autonomous Communities and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). It is a State resource that offers economic contributions based on objective criteria. These requirements seek to guarantee equality among the candidates who apply for this aid. Therefore, the requirements to be a young farmer must be fulfilled for the enjoyment of this support.

What are the requirements to become a young farmer?

We will expand on this point, since this is what we are interested in. The following is a list of the requirements that we must meet as individuals:

  • Not have reached the age of 41 in the year in which we submit the application for National Reserve payment entitlements.
  • Agricultural professional training certificate(What is it and how to obtain it? )To have accredited the required training and education in the agricultural field. This training must be in accordance with the field of rural development. For this there are several options, depending on each Autonomous Community:
  1. Proof of five years of work in the agricultural sector.
  2. To have an academic degree, at least an intermediate degree.
  3. To have completed the course of Incorporation to the Agricultural Company of the Autonomous Community where you settle.
  • To be installed for the first time on a farm. This installation must be done as responsible. Or, in any case, have been installed on the farm in the five calendar years prior to the first submission of the application.
  • Not to have exercised the agricultural activity in the five campaigns that are previous to the date of their first installation.
  • To be an active farmer.

On the other hand, as legal entities, we must also meet the following requirements to be a young farmer:

  • Being a young farmer, i.e. meeting all of the above, the one who exercises effective long-term control over the legal person. This is the one who applies for the allocation of payment entitlements to the National Reserve.
  • When several natural persons participate in the capital. Including those who are not young farmers. As well as those who participate in the capital or management. It is in these circumstances that the young farmer will be able to exercise effective long-term control.

How can we apply for these grants?

Once we meet these requirements to be young farmers we will be able to submit our single application for these subsidies. It will be accompanied by a business plan and all the documents that justify the fulfillment of the requirements.

Each Autonomous Community is responsible for deciding the budgets and calls for aid for its young farmers, in accordance with the Rural Development Plan 2014-2020. 

Upcoming calls for applications for grants for young farmers

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