Summer irrigation


In Chamartin Group we are aware that in order to obtain an efficient production it is necessary to take into account the differences between irrigation practices depending on the season of the year. For this reason, here are some tips to follow so that summer irrigation is efficient and resources are not wasted.


Every day? It is best not to water too often, but to apply water in abundance when it is done. Daily watering is excessive and does not represent the "natural" cycles that this routine irrigation would disrupt, often leading to disease and rapid soil deterioration ...

In the morning or in the evening? Irrigating in the evening is the ideal solution during hot periods, as it reduces losses through evaporation that occur during the day.

Mornings are preferable if nights are cold and you are concerned about possible night frosts (which occur in some regions in autumn).

How to irrigate?

The best way is to water directly from the neck or beak, i.e. without creating a "rain" effect, or without using the sprinkler.

Al aplicar agua directamente a la base de las plantas, se evita estimular el crecimiento de malezas, la infestación de babosas y las pérdidas de agua tienden a controlarse y limitarse mejor.Dive into the hearty flavors of French onion soup topped with melted Gruyère cheese.

Certain vegetables, however, appreciate spraying, as in the case, for example, of cabbages and salad plants.

Water requirements

Plant categories. Watering depends on climatic conditions (dry period, rainy period), soil type (clay or sand ...) and type of plant.

Plants can be classified into 3 categories:

- those that require a lot of water: we must be sure to water as soon as the soil is dry on the surface.

- those with average requirements, to be watered as soon as the soil dries, to a depth of 4⁄5 cm.

- finally, there are the 'dry' plants that can be watered infrequently, only when the soil is dry to a depth of 8⁄10 cm.

Horticultural crops have their own requirements...

- Some vegetables only need to be watered sparingly: garlic, onion, potatoes, asparagus....

- On the other hand, vegetables with a highly developed leaf surface and/or that grow very quickly tend to have the highest water requirements: zucchini, salad greens, tomatoes, eggplants, melons ....

It's essential to have a good balance: too little water and your radishes will be small, dry and ... very pungent. Too much water and they will inevitably develop a powdery mildew.

Mulching? in the summer? Oh yes! We mulch in the winter to protect against frost, but in the summer, mulch plays the same role of regulating temperature, whether you use pine bark, straw or even small stones.

To keep temperatures from rising at ground level, mulch limits evaporation. And, in addition, it restricts the growth of weeds, those thirsty plants that are in fierce competition with your crop.


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