FIMA: agricultural machinery exports break records in a complex market


Agragex recalls at FIMA that the 3 billion barrier was exceeded in 2021.


Despite the difficulties resulting from the pandemic and the restrictions imposed to curb the virus, the increase in raw material prices, the semiconductor crisis, the soaring energy bill, the transport strike and, in recent months, the war in Ukraine, manufacturers and exporters of agricultural machinery and livestock equipment have closed the last two years with "extraordinary" results that are being maintained in the first months of 2022.

He explained yesterday at the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA), held in Zaragoza until Saturday, the general director of Agragex (Spanish association of manufacturers-exporters of agricultural machinery and components, greenhouses, crop protection, irrigation systems, livestock equipment, animal health and nutrition, forestry machinery, biomass and post-harvest, Jaime Hernani, who said that "the machinery has continued to sell the same, it has sold better than before and also without having to leave home, which has been a different concept. Because, Hernani detailed, the pandemic left exporters without the possibility of moving around the world, but then it was the importers who needed products who called the companies to place orders. "Our manufacturers were surprised that they were coming to them to buy, something that had never happened before," he added.


But they have also been good years for exports to Turkey and business in Africa has increased. Latin America "has performed impeccably" and in the United States exporters closed in 2021 "a magnificent year" after an "extraordinary" 2020. Asian markets have been more sluggish, despite which sales have grown by an average of 15%, while the sector does not stop looking towards Oceania, because despite the distance it is a "very receptive" market.

Expectations are also good for 2022. "In January and February we are with growth of 15% and 17%," explained Hernani, who acknowledged, however, that the greatest uncertainty comes from the war in Ukraine and the impact on prices. Also of concern is the supply crisis, because, Hernani said, the market continues to function but where companies find more problems is to manufacture, a reason that explains the absence of international firms in FIMA, "although there is no excuse," said the general manager of Agragex.


Trade missions

The involvement of Agragex with FIMA has not only been reflected in its participation, but also in the organization of the XVIII Buyers Conference, which included an intense commercial agenda with 31 buyers from 24 countries. "We had to be at FIMA," insisted Hernani, who assured that there was no reason not to hold the fair. He recognizes, however, that it would have been better to hold it in February, but the pandemic prevented it. "I understand that these dates are not good for anyone," he said, and as an example he pointed out that it has been difficult to move Arab importers because Ramadan is celebrated now, as has happened with buyers from Romania or Bulgaria for the Orthodox Easter, but also because there is still a lot of psychosis of traveling by plane.

News from El Heraldo de Aragón 

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