Water was once considered an unlimited resource. Now we know that freshwater supplies are limited and that demands for available water will continue to grow. To safeguard water resources, farmers are constantly evaluating their irrigation methods. Many farmers are converting from surface irrigation to much more efficient methods, such as center pivot and linear irrigation.
After many years of research, CHAMSA has found that pivot centers are much more efficient to install, maintain and operate than surface irrigation. The URAPIVOT brand of pivot systems saves farmers substantial costs and ensures that valuable available water is used efficiently. These pivot machines also minimize risk and use the minimum amount of water for maximum results. Non-traditional irrigated areas are now beginning to develop enormously, precisely because of these factors, as farmers are increasingly willing to invest in technologies that largely pay for years when there is naturally very limited moisture and low rainfall.
Advances in agricultural technology allow for better irrigation management and increasingly precise application of water to crops. Such technology can range from simple choices to sophisticated management tools.
Growers can maximize their return on investment with longer URAPIVOT runs by increasing irrigated areas for higher returns and lower costs per hectare. Longer spans lower the initial investment of center pivot and linear machines by reducing the amount of tires, gearboxes and motors that must be purchased, which also results in less crop damage and less wear and tear on equipment.
CHAMSA engineers design and test the longest spans to withstand the most demanding strength and durability tests in the industry. These sections meet the same performance standards as all other URAPIVOT sections.
Over the next 50 years, the freshwater we need for agriculture and basic human consumption will become increasingly scarce, but at the same time, to meet the world's growing demand for food, more farmland will need to be irrigated. This leaves little choice but to irrigate efficiently to lessen the impact on our limited natural resources. Adopting new irrigation technology such as our drip irrigation systems will allow farmers to meet the growing demand for food and fiber while conserving natural resources. This is why today's growers and Grupo Chamartín are leading the way, feeding the world and intensifying modern agriculture.