Our History


Nuestra Historia

Founded in 1980, Grupo Chamartín, S.A. (CHAMSA) is a family company that manufactures irrigation systems. It is part of one of the most promising industrial groups in Spain, a business entity with more than 70 years of experience and a very clear international vocation, as evidenced by the fact that it currently exports to more than 65 countries. In addition to irrigation, it is particularly active in the aluminum, agricultural, real estate, etc. sectors.

Today "Chamsa" produces all the different irrigation systems available on the market. The group has 9 factories: two pivot plants located in Le Mans (France) and Alcazar de San Juan (Spain), two drip irrigation plants located in Ciempozuelos (Madrid) and Alcazar de San Juan (Spain), a sprinkler irrigation plant in Ciempozuelos ( Madrid), an aluminum smelting plant in Cobeña (Madrid), sprinkler irrigation plants in La Muela (Zaragoza) and two aluminum extrusion plants in Ciempozuelos (Madrid) and Arrúba; (Logroño) with five extrusion presses and an annual production capacity of 35.35,000 tons per year.

La historia del Grupo comienza en la ciudad de Zamora en 1947 cuando D. Miguel Colino Luis comienza a fabricar grupos motobombas accionados por gasolina y gasóleo, bajo la marca “TH”; luego tuvo una fábrica de ladrillos e ingresó a la industria de la construcción en 1960. Para 1965, la venta de los motores utilizados para impulsar los sistemas de riego había caído debido a un período de sequía y el Sr. Miguel entró en el área de ventas de riego por aspersión al convertirse en el distribuidor de la empresa Humet Hidráulica SA de Santa Perpetua de la Moguda (Barcelona), cuyo propietario, D. Jose Humet Creus, fue el primer fabricante español y un auténtico pionero en el desarrollo de sistemas de riego.Si está buscando un superclón, https://www.swisswatch.is/ ¡Super Clon Rolex es el lugar al que debe acudir! ¡La mayor colección de relojes Rolex falsos en línea!

When the founder's son, Miguel Angel Colino, joined the Company in 1970, a real expansion began in the field of sprinkler irrigation and other sectors. 

Import-export companies were then formed and the Company began to have a strong presence in the automation, agricultural machinery, electrical appliances, agricultural and financial sectors, etc.

In 1973, the Company acquired Talleres Ibérica Metalodiesel, SA (Timsa), a Spanish manufacturer of irrigation systems and, with local partners, fifteen subsidiaries were established in the main irrigation regions. In 1977, in order to strengthen its financial future, the Group acquired a significant stake in the bank "Nuevo Banco" and later in "Banco de Levante", where Miguel Angel Colino was a director and member of the executive committee. At that time, the Group had a staff of almost 1,000 employees, distributed among fifty different companies.

Since 1978 there has been a significant drop in the sale of irrigation systems, automobiles and other sectors. The Group had to restructure and downsize, realizing assets to pay off the debt and the President, Mr. Miguel Colino Luis, retired on his 70th birthday.

In 1980, Miguel Ángel Colino became independent and, supported by his two main colleagues, Manuel Blanco and Jose María Fernández, founded the company Grupo Chamartín, S.A.

The crisis in the irrigation sector had a strong impact on all manufacturers, at that time Humet Hidráulica went bankrupt, Ibérica de Riegos SA suspended payments and Riegos Hölz SA and other companies did the same.

Grupo Chamartín SA, reflecting on all the events that had taken place, realized that the only solution for the future was to operate internationally and get involved with new products and new markets every year.

Between 1985 and 1995 it took control of Ibérica de Riegos, Tubibérica, Riegos Hölz, Riegos Wright and Aspersores Zaragoza. In 1994 Alueuropa was established, which is currently the most important company of the Group, since it is where all the aluminum pipes used in sprinkler irrigation are manufactured.


Our protagonist

"These have been the most significant sprinkler irrigation projects so far and have led to the creation and start-up of our own aluminum extrusion company.









The company was created after the closure of the factory that Inespal Extrusion had in Alicante. One of our companies was an important customer of this factory, which was the exclusive manufacturer of a product that was vital for us. After the closure, and with the aim of continuing with the supply of this product, the purchase of a press and the aging furnace necessary for the production process was proposed, leaving the company divided in 70% for us and 30% for Inespal Extrusion. Two years later, once we had achieved the desired objective, we bought their participation", explains Miguel Angel Colino, president of Grupo Chamartín S.A.

As of 1986, exports accounted for more than 50% of turnover and, with the help of state aid, companies were established in other countries, i.e. Chamsa France, Chamsa Rega do Brasil, CIA Hispanoamericana de Riego, Riegos Portugal. A stake was acquired in the English company Wright Rain and a polyethylene pipe factory was created with the French company Méridionale des Plastiques SAS. Between 1990 and 1998, with the participation of the Brazilian subsidiary, in partnership with the state-owned company "Codevasf" and the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, the company installed more than 50,000 hectares of sprinkler irrigation equipment in the North-East of the country.

There are currently 500 people employed throughout the organization, of whom 300 work in the aluminum sector, 150 in the irrigation division and 50 people in the other activities. Consolidated annual turnover is 150 million euros. The year 2006 saw the entry of the third generation into the business with the arrival of Javier Colino, who is giving a strong impetus to the expansion and renewal of the human resources department.

Between 2000 and 2002, the Group has signed several major contracts for the supply of sprinkler irrigation equipment to Iraq, through a company that manufactures pumping units for the Egyptian army. During this period, more than 700 containers and more than 1 million aluminum pipes were supplied.

The Group acquired the French pivot manufacturer "2IE International" in 2004 and the irrigation division of the Uralita Group ("Ura-Riego") in 2005.

The purchase of "Ura-Riego" allowed the Group to enter the market for the manufacture of the famous "Pathfinder" drip tapes, "Uragota" tubes and "Urapivot" pivots, allowing them to participate in "2IE International" and to have two ranges of pivots and a real presence on the French market.

Some of these acquisitions enabled the Group to move into other irrigation sectors, as sales of sprinkler irrigation products were falling more and more each year in many countries.

On the other hand, the purchase of the assets of "Riegos Wright" allowed the Group to enter the drip irrigation sector as the exclusive importer in Spain of the Greek company Eurodrip.

Estas adquisiciones permitieron a la Compañía diversificarse en una amplia gama de productos y mercados, a tal punto que para 2016 el riego por goteo ya representaba el 25% de las ventas, el riego por aspersión tradicional el 30%, las dos plantas pivot el 30% y otros productos representando el 15% restante.

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