mechanized irrigation

Pivot centers: fixed or towable, circular or sectorial?


Fixed or towable pivot centers are the most economical irrigation solution, saving energy and labor. | Read more

Planas confirms an investment of more than 300 million for modernization and transformation of irrigation systems


  The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has confirmed an investment of 306.1 million euros in the construction of a new plant in the country .

Maintenance routines for URAPIVOT irrigation systems


URAPIVOT brand irrigation pivots are very safe and efficient systems, with a long service life that allows to amortize Read more

New emitter model i-Wob2 for URAPIVOT irrigation systems


Senninger, applying its extensive experience in mechanized irrigation, has improved the i-Wob UP3 emitter by developing the new i-Wob2 model, which has been designed to meet the needs of a wide range of applications.

CHAMSA visits South Africa and Mozambique on a trade mission with AGRAGEX


From May 13 to 17, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers-Exporters of Agricultural Machinery and Components (AGRAGEX) will hold meetings in Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, on May 13-17.

Tree pivot irrigation.


More and more farmers around the world are choosing high-profile mechanized irrigation systems for upland crops, Read more

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